Fields of Illusion Wikia

Orkin are quite different to any other of the races of the Phoenix Isle. Usually comprising of green skin and tusks, although there are variations. The main Orkin races live in shamanistic clans. most of whom have an animal totem which embodies the clans strengths.

There are two types of Orkin, the Orcs and the Goblins.

In general Orcs are known to be the largest and strongest of the Orkin and see physical strength as the basis of hierarchy within the clans. Often this leads to challenges of leadership in a duel meaning Orc clan leaders are the strongest of their kind. Goblins are viewed as the weakest of the Orkin but have compensated becoming cunning and sneaky. However this is not true for all tribes. for if the totem they follow embodies wisdom or stealth. then these are the traits used to define the best and therefore the leader of the tribe. 

Orkin tend to dwell in similar areas to their totem animal. 

Playable Races
BeastkinDwarves (Iron, Dwelah)Elves (Dark, Drow, High, Wyld)Humans (Imperial, Wildlings)Orkin (Orcs, Goblins)
Factions of Brokersfield
The Circle Arcana • Dead Men • Knights of Herne • Lost Cause • Lolth Shadow • NevermorcsThe Ninth LegionSummerland Celts